Erro na Linha: #9 :: Attempt to read property "data_inicio" on bool

Erro na Linha: #9 :: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string) of type string is deprecated

Erro na Linha: #10 :: Attempt to read property "hora_inicio" on bool

Erro na Linha: #10 :: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string) of type string is deprecated

Erro na Linha: #12 :: Undefined array key 1

Eventos do Colégio Objetivo Santa Bárbara d’Oeste - <p class="trigger 2"><b>Erro na Linha: #35 ::</b> Attempt to read property "titulo" on bool<br><small>/home3/objetivo/public_html/ler-evento.php</small><span class="ajax_close"></span></p>
Erro na Linha: #58 :: Attempt to read property "imagem_capa" on bool

" alt="" class="img-responsive">

Erro na Linha: #65 :: Undefined array key 1


Erro na Linha: #73 :: Attempt to read property "titulo" on bool


Erro na Linha: #75 :: Undefined variable $mes


Erro na Linha: #75 :: Undefined array key 2

Erro na Linha: #76 :: Attempt to read property "local" on bool

Erro na Linha: #83 :: Attempt to read property "descricao" on bool